PART I: FIZIS - The Material World
Do you think the space
is like a jelly that is softening and molding in different shapes?!
That the time is like
an elastic band that is expanding and contracting?!
E = mc2 ?! ?! ?!
Translation from Romanian by Codruţa Gutman
DTP and proofreading: Anca Gaja
ISBN 978-973-0-05782-9 (for the Romanian version)
Copyright © 2008 by Vasile Gaja. All
rights reserved.
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We know
that matter exists in four states: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma; also that
the matter of the Sun is in the state of plasma. We also know that the solid
and liquid matter have relatively stable volumes, different from the volumes of
the gas state; the last one has its volume depending on various factors, among
them the temperature. Since plasma is more gaseous rather that solid, it will
also have variable volume.
We know
that the Sun from about six billion years is thrusting out matter in all
directions, including towards Earth. Well, the obvious question is: once
reaching the Earth, what would become of this matter/plasma?
logical answer would be: since for billion years the Sun, as a veritable spring
of plasma, keeps thrusting out matter, pushing it until it reaches the Earth,
we should have on Earth a huge amount of layered plasma.
But we do
not see that, we have only rocks, dirt, water and others.
But all
that matter is not lost on the way; the same principle of matter conservations
applies not only in the school laboratory, but also in this huge laboratory we
call Universe. So all that matter had to become something somewhere; but not
the famous ether, for even though we don’t know exactly what it is, we most
certainly know it is not plasma.
we know that water vapours through cooling/condensing become water, so why not
the plasma pass through a similar condensing process and thus become rocks,
dirt, water and others that we see, but not really know where exactly are they
coming from.
condensation phenomenon means also a shrinking of the volume, so it will act as
a continuous absorption of plasma; combined with the solar pressure it will
assure a continuous process.
This is
actually what is happening, and we call this process the Gravitational
Attraction; in fact, this is the continuous Solar Pressure combined with the
continuous condensation/absorption and thus causing exactly the attraction. The
important thing is that this phenomenon can be practically proven.
(If you want more details and
find out about other shocking wonders, please read the entire work.)
the rope, the disk
Let’s take a rope,
tie at one of its ends a stone and grabbing the other end, spin it above the
head. For the experiment to work, let’s assume I have an unlimited force and
the rope has an unlimited resistance. I’m spinning it and in the beginning all
we can observe is a rotating rope. Assuming I spin faster, at some point all we
can see is some sort of semitransparent disk, like the one observed when the
propellers of a helicopter are rotating. If I would spin it faster and faster,
at some point the observed disk will become to my eyes, lesser and lesser
transparent and in the end totally opaque. For our lazy sense of seeing, a rope
spinning fast enough – I’m talking about speeds higher than the speed of light -
would seem to be “instantaneously” at every position on all the disk radii,
thus blocking the light opposite to the observer (us), and so the disk would
become opaque.
Here it is, the
meeting point to the shepherds’ story: their spoon is the rope “instantly” in
all the mouths of the shepherds, i.e. all the disk radii. Let’s see furthermore
what this experiment has in store for us.
If the rope would
have the necessary internal energy, and would rotate by its own, we would see
hover a disk with the ambit and thickness according to the length and thickness
of the rope; we would even be able to take it in our hands, without realizing
that it is just a spinning rope. These being the facts, let’s try to explain
the phenomena.
the sensitive inertia of the eye (A/N From the moment
an image appears on the retina and the moment the brain becomes aware of it,
there is approximately one tenth of a second delay; so even if the eye sees the
sliding of the images, the intellect is capable to process only 6 images in a
second; it would be enough to switch on and off the light six times in a
second. Therefore, it would be enough to switch on and of the light for 6 times
in a second in a room for an observer to perceive that the light is permanently
on; this principle is used in neon lights and other gas tube lighting. This
“false” allows us among other things to have cinema, TV and other
applications.), we won’t see a moving
rope, but a set of still ropes, like a string of “snapshots” of the same rope,
at the same time, on each radius.
Same happens if we
take this disk in our hand; the tactile sensitivity is even slower than the
visual sensitivity, so the skin won’t feel a set of ropes, but some sort of
mass, in other words, the disk.
Here’s an
intriguing situation: a rope - with precise measurements - moving fast enough
becomes something with a mass!? So, are we somehow creating mass?!
So, are we creating
mass indeed?!
Yes! My senses are
saying that and they are exactly like those of 6 billion people on earth. And
since these senses are the only ones we have to perceive our environment, there
isn’t any doubt that this disk in my hand has a real mass. But at the same
time, if these billions of people would had been assisting to the beginnings of
this experiment, they would had sworn that all they could see in the beginning
was a spinning rope.
Well, the situation
is not only intriguing, but also shocking for contradicting logic: an object
cannot be simultaneously in two different hypostases; a rope cannot be
simultaneously also a disk.
Yet, both are
equally real for the six billion people, since they are aware of what they feel,
and also, they cannot deny their rational mind, since they saw from the
beginning the spinning rope. Therefore, there is but one conclusion: both
realities are equally true; the only difference is how we evaluate them. So,
one is the reality we feel, and the other one is the reality we rationally
So this experiment
shows we are living in a double reality; a reality supported by our five
senses, a “sensorial reality”; and a
“rational reality”, supported by our
But that is not
all. We have to admit that both our senses and our understanding are subjected
to the restrictions of “the moment”: we use to be protozoa, we are human beings
at the moment, and for sure we will be something different in the future, due
to the inherent accumulations.
The changing of our
environment is causing us to change, and so most likely our abilities will
change; not only our abilities to feel, but also our ability to reason, since
we understand more than yesterday and obviously less that tomorrow. To
conclude, both our “sensory reality”
and “rational reality” are “momentary realities”; both are true, but
only in the “now”, when we are what we are; we ourselves are “momentary”, since our investigators
capabilities are “momentary”.
That is, it means
there must be an eternal reality, of the eternal nature, a “material reality” that we continually
know through our evolutional capabilities, i.e. an asymptotically cognisable
reality. (A/N I could call it subjective reality or
objective reality, but since subjective and objective already have their own
established meanings (Small Philosophical
Dictionary, Political Publishing, Bucharest, 1973; pg. 473 and 544),
different of what we are talking about here, I’ll use terms like “sensorial reality”, “rational reality” and “material reality”.) .
So the imaginary “disk
experiment” gives a crucial finding: in fact, we are living in a “triple reality”, one of the senses, a
second of rationality and a third of matter, permanently virtual. So we have to
review our certainties and beliefs, and to really understand our connections
with the environment, we must analyse the existence itself through these three
Let’s try it step
by step!
the mass of
the disk - disk mass
So, so far we
established that the mass of the disk is created (sensorially speaking) by the
movement of the rope; at rest, the rope is simply a rope and the disk doesn’t
exist. The experiment showed us that the rope is something and the disk is
something else; namely, the rope is the matter creating the disk, and the mass
of the disk is the rope/matter moving.
In other words, the
disk experiment showed us that the matter and the mass are two different
qualities, so we should understand the going confusion between matter and mass
(this issue will be discussed in the next chapter).
But back to the
shocking question: did we create mass by spinning the rope? The answer is yes,
because the spinning of the rope gave our “lazy” senses the illusion of a mass.
We created the mass,
but not the actual matter, so we can understand the seriousness of the
confusion: mass is not matter itself, but the effect exerted on “our lazy
momentary senses” by matter in movement.
Now we can say that
the mass is an illusion, a ghost of the matter; more movement causes more
illusion, not more matter. (A/N The speed - even the
speed of light (!?) would create more “ghost matter”, not more matter).
To conclude, we can
say that the dynamic of the rope created the mass of the disk and to generalize,
we can also say that the matter becomes perceivable through its dynamics.
the space
occupied by the disk - disk space
Throughout dynamics,
the disk not only has created mass, but also the “room” – space where it is
seen and touched. And if to the previous question we answered “yes!, we created
mass”, where the space for the disk to exist came from?
Since this
experiment happens in the terrestrial atmosphere, for certain the location
where the disk “has embodied” is filled with air, dust, water vapours and some
other molecules pushed out by the rope. But at the same time, the rope also
pushed away their space, since they all have their own space of existence.
The air molecules,
as the other molecules, have been pushed out by the rope, not only with their
mass, but also with their spaces; so the disk created its own space.
Therefore, throughout dynamics, the disk created its
own mass and its own space to exist in.
mass matter
and space matter
So, here is an
important observation: it is obvious the disk didn’t take the other’s matter (the
disk is not made from dust, but from the rope/hemp), but with the space... that
is a different thing. Every grain of dust has its own place and why should the
rope take it? The rope just pushed out a little the grain with its room, with
its own enclosed space.
It certainly looks
that way, but it is not so; the atmosphere is filled with those listed, all
with their masses and spaces, all crammed together by their own pressure we
call Atmospheric Pressure.
Therefore, what we
call atmospheric space is the matter from the air, dust, water vapours and
other, or their space. Does anybody see some other space than the space they
occupy? Does anybody see besides their spaces an empty unoccupied space? Then
why should we imagine an unoccupied space in the atmosphere if there isn’t
actually one?
To conclude, at
least in our atmosphere there is no such thing like empty space (A/N we will get into details further in the book),
so we delude ourselves about the matter and also about the space; they are not
material existences but impressions of our limited senses. Thus we can call the
atmosphere, filled with matter we cannot sense, “space matter” and the matter we actually feel “mass matter”. So we unify the “material
reality” with the “sensorial reality”
and the “rational reality” and know
which belong to which.
the time of
the disk - disk time
The dynamic of the
rope gave the mass of the disk and the place for the disk, but they “embodied”
only after a certain number of rotations per second. Then and only then our
senses perceived the rope as a compact and smooth mass.
So, for the rope to become disk, the rotation
of the rope has to have a minimum length of time. This means that this length
of time is “the length of time of the
disk”. In short, we will call it “the
disk time”.
Another important
aspect of the experiment is that the rope created the mass, the space and also
the time; and it also shows that as there were no mass and space available from
somewhere, the same happens with the time. The time is just the temporal
measure of a phenomenon; it isn’t something that flows from “minus infinite
until plus infinite”, there isn’t time outside the physical phenomenon; it
requires a physical phenomenon for the time to exist. Being so, we can no
longer say the word time without
specifying the physical phenomenon that creates it. So, we will call the
necessary time for the rope to become a mass/disk, “the disk time”.
To conclude,
through dynamics the rope has created the
disk mass, the disk space and the disk time; in short, we can say that through dynamics the matter has created
mass, space and time, i.e. “the temporal material space”. To be
more specific, from the sensorial and rational investigators point of view, any existence is a dynamic into a “temporal material space”.
vibrations of the disk - the disk vibrations
We know that the
wind blows through the branches, wires and other things, and its whistle is
caused by the smashing of the air molecules into various obstacles. If we were
to make the experiment, we would had heard at some point a similar noise, a
hiss caused by the rope hitting the air. The air molecules also make noise at
contact, but since they have way less matter than the rope, their noise is
extremely high and out of the range of our hearing ability. (A/N For example, the violin chord produces a higher sound
than the double bass chord, because, being thinner, has less matter and it
vibrates faster, and hits the air more times; the thicker second chord vibrates
slower and consequently produces a lower sound. The number of the collisions
per second is called frequency, the effect of collisions is called vibration
and the sensation we are aware of is called sound.
don’t know the frequencies the human ear is capable of perceiving, but we know
that the frequencies we are actually aware of are approximately between
18-20000 collisions a second. The lower vibrations are the infrasound and the
higher vibrations are ultrasound.).
We will discuss
this more on the next chapters, all I will say for now is that the rope-disk
would have produced some noise.
In our experiment,
in the beginning the lower noise is present due to the rare collisions between
the rope and the air molecules; as faster the rope goes, the sound becomes
higher until the frequency goes over the audible point and disappears from our
this point, the sound is out of the audio range, and after a while it will
enter the visible range, because at some rotation/frequency the disk would
become mass and have shape. But not only shape, because by becoming mass, it
would reflect the light, and so it would acquire also different colours.
“The disk vibrations” are very important,
essential for us to become aware of the disk – hear it, see it and touching the
contours. But not only that: it can also smell of something and also taste of
something, since both smell and taste are vibrations transmitted to the brain.
Same happens with everything within our perceptions - the horn, the light bulb,
the rose or the honey; all of these reach our senses through their own
vibrations. Some propagate through air, some through direct contact with
sensorial cells, but through the nerves they can only be transmitted as
vibrations. But we will talk about this further.
the disk
Finally, we can say
that up to a certain spinning speed, the rope transformed in “space matter” – since we can’t see it
anymore, then increasing the speed the rope transformed into a disk, i.e. “mass matter”, with specific parameters.
In other words, the dynamic transformed the rope - the original matter - into a
“temporal material volume” showed as
a disk by its “vibrational parameters”.
Material Entity” (“DME”)
Now, considering the
suggestions by our imagined experiment, we might wonder if there is in the “rational reality” an “absolute material unit” which, like the
rope, creates all things into existence, just like the unit “1” is the building
block for all numbers. What we know so far is that all things into existence,
nature, are made of atoms; the atom is the holder of all matter, energy and
initial dynamic; so, the atom is the origin of all existence. But, unlike the
rope from our experiment, the atom cannot be the “fundamental material unit”,
since has a complex and diverse structure, so it cannot be the “absolute
primary structure”. And also, the structure of an atom, the way it is described,
is impossible. Let me explain.
the atom
So far, we consider
the atom the material energetic unit of all structures. But, according to
classical physics, the atom itself is a structure with a nucleus and electrons
gravitating around it. The nucleus contains a variable number of neutrons – the
material components of the atom - and protons. The energetic components of the
atom are the protons – the positive electric charge unit, and the electrons -
the negative electric charge unit.
There are two
characteristics contradicting the Unit function of the atom: first one is that
there are atoms and atoms, they differ in number of protons and also in number
of protons-electrons pairs, the second characteristics is that its structure is
an impossible one.
Let me tell you my
arguments. So the nucleus contains neutrons - neutral particles, “stuffed”
together with protons with positive electric charges, so they organically repel
each other. Around the nucleus, there are an equal number of electrons, with
negative electric charges, also repelling each other; they are bound to the
nucleus by the attraction of protons. So the neutrons are at the origin of
matter, the protons and electrons are at the origin of energy, and the duality
they create is at the origins of the dynamics.
The idea that the
dynamics is the result of the attraction between the opposite positron-negatron
is very appealing, but somehow seems impossible if you consider the
distribution of the particles in the atom. The common sense makes me wonder
what force can hold together particles that are naturally repelling. And also,
what force prevents the electrons and protons to combine, since they are
particles that are naturally attracted to each other? So far, the only logical
force existing in the atom is the attraction between minus charge and plus
charge. In other words, what force prevents the nucleus to explode and what
force prevents the atom to implode? And what is the origin of these forces
acting simultaneously and opposite to the attraction between minus and plus?
However, I don’t
necessarily want to criticise the classical atom model of Rutherford (A/N Ernest Rutherford, 1871-1937, English physicist, the
author of the planetary model of the atom), he deducted very well the
spatial model of the primary structure, but everything is perfectible, so that
is exactly what I am trying to do, 100 years later. So, we have to admit that
the atom is not the “absolute material
unit”, not to mention that since it can be decomposed in smaller particles,
it is not indivisible (A/N the name “atom” means
indivisible in Greek, and it is a name given by Democrit - a Greek philosopher
from 3000 years ago).
So, my intention is
not to criticize the classical physics, however, since we are not able to
explain primary phenomena, I suggest we should adopt a new and more explicit
concept; and as the advancement of the knowledge happens, we can replace it.
“Dynamic Material Entity”- “DME”
I suggest another Unit,
another Universal Brick. Of course it is a theoretical model; all we can really
be sure about, is that there has to be a Unit containing the necessary matter
and energy for the dynamic existence to manifest; and this matter and energy
have to be inseparable. It is still a duality, and for now we as investigators
cannot know its structure, only its manifestations.
Being so, we should stop
working the water: it is a material entity – it cannot be otherwise, it is
dynamic, meaning it contains energy - it cannot be otherwise, and let’s call it
Material Entity”, (“DME”).
Since it is permanently
dynamic, let’s imagine this entity in its movement and the most accurate model
would be a spatial network, in which the “DME”
describes rotating concentric trajectories, swings, precessions and maybe other
movements, thus forming from its own concentric trajectories, its own material
Therefore, we can say that “DME” represents the dynamic relationship
between matter and energy; that matter is an ongoing/infinite process by which
it creates space, mass, time, vibrations, meaning “material temporal volume”.
Finally, I am not saying the “DM Entity” is more accurate than the
atom, but it is closer to the “rope model”, and it is a step in the direction
of finding the real Unit. So let’s agree for now that it is the Unit, which
just like unit “1” is the base for any structure, a Universal Brick.
Before going further, we must
underline another aspect, somewhat derivative, but very important:
mathematicians say there is no largest number, because if you add another
drive, it gets bigger. Now let’s extend the reasoning by saying there is no
smallest number, because if we split it once more, we’ll get a smaller one. As
a result, the number “1” is the unit of all numbers, but it is a convention
that can be divisible.
But mathematics doesn’t
operate with material units, but with conventional ones; the mathematical unit
is only apparently the numeral equivalent of a material unit; so the
mathematical unit is divisible, but the Material Unit “DME” is not; so in a way, mathematics is a self-study of its own
reaching imaginary and irrational numbers. (A/N The
Pythagorean Theorem for right-angled triangle states that the sum of square
length of each leg equals the square length of hypotenuse: 12 + 12
= 2; yet the theorem is valid only for conventional mathematical units which
can be divided, not for fundamental units; radical of two fundamental units is
impossible. Also, there cannot be built a right-angled triangle from
fundamental units, only an equilateral one. Hippasios, a disciple of Pythagoras,
pointed out this exception to the master and he agreed.
*Pythagoras –mathematician, philosopher,
politician from the island
of Samos , 560-500 BC.)
The “DME” process belongs to the “material
reality” of course, but being the smallest, lowest possible process and we
only can intuit/think its trajectories that form its volume/existence, it
stands into the “rational reality”;
and since the matter of its trajectories is undetectable, we call it “space matter”.
Although we do not know how a
“DME” looks like, we assume its
existence, so let’s try to set some parameters. We do not know how it looks
like, but from the imaginary rope experiment we can build an image of it.
the amount of a “dme” matter
Being constantly on the move,
the most important properties of a “DME”
are the dynamic dimensions we will deepen when we will discuss about its
volume. Since this is an indivisible unit, we can say that all “DM Entities” have the same matter
content and we will call it “Mass Unit”.
the amount of “dme” energy
Regarding the energy, things
are by far more complex; after all, we don’t actually know what energy is, the
only knowledge we have of it is through the manifestation, the dynamics of
things. But since the reality is that everything in the Universe moves, we can
safely assume that if the “DME” is
the “Matter Unit”, it also must be
the “Energy Unit”.
Being permanently dynamic, we
could assume that the “DME” has
unlimited amount of energy; but that is nonsensical, the smallest material unit
cannot contain unlimited amount of energy.
In fact, it is not so: the
trajectories of a “DME” continuously
collide with other trajectories, implying energy consume. But what a “DME” “loses” throughout a collision, it
gains when another one collides with it; the exchange is equal. Thus, through
continuous general collisions, the same total amount of energy is taken and
given, so that the “energy balance” of all will be the same. Therefore, the energy
of a “DME” doesn’t have to be
infinite so it can manifest permanently; it is the smallest one, but by not losing
anything it can permanently exist.
The “DME” is also a “temporal
material volume” created by its trajectories boosted by their own energy;
so the energetic relationships take place not only between it and its neighbors,
but also with “itself”. So, the energy of a “DM Entity” manifests itself in two ways: one which boosts
concentrically its “trajectories”,
the cohesion maintaining its existence, we will call it “structural energy”,(“SE”);
and one through continuously colliding with its neighbors and through
continually exchanging energy, maintaining its existential socket; we’ll call
it “relational
energy”, (“RE”). So the energy of a “DME”
is divided into two different parts/ functions: cohesion and relation with the
environment, both with the purpose of preserving its existence.
To conclude, the “DME” is the “Material Unit” and also
the “Energy
Unit” functioning in an
indivisible, indestructible and eternal dualism. That makes it also the “Dynamic
Material Unit”.
the vacuum
Given the fact that there is “DME” – the world exists -, we conclude
that the two types of energy which assure its existence cannot have any value.
The “SE” cannot be 0, without
cohesion the cyclic aspect of its trajectories would not exist and so the “DME”. It can take a minimum value – and
the counterbalancing “RE” would take
a maximum value, and so the path of its trajectories will be as long as its
energy allows it; it would be the largest volume ever created by a “DME”. This would be possible only in an
environment with lowest density, with the material pressure so low that would
allow the “DM Entities” the maximum
extension. This environment would have the lowest material pressure, it would
be the sparsest “space matter”.
And the audacious question:
can there be an environment with even lower pressure? More specifically, is
there an environment without “DM Entities”,
without matter, i.e. an immaterial environment? The answer is simple: “yes!”
there might be one, but only separated between two walls from the material and
also the immaterial part. That would be a paradox, something that must be and
at the same time must not exist, some sort of “dry water” of “frozen fire”.
However, let’s suppose that
since it is an ongoing process, there was a moment in the beginning when the
environment was filled with “DME”-s
with maximum “SE” and minimum “RE”, and for some reason that still
eludes us, the expansion started. From that moment, the values of the two kind
of energy started changing and they keep on doing it so. These phenomena are
still researched and we traditionally call them Big Bang (expansion) and Red
Shift, the ongoing process.
That would mean there is the “material reality”, an environment
composed by “space matter” and “mass matter” with their maximum and
minimum densities, we call our world. And next to it, around it or elsewhere
(the word is improper, since there are only words describing the material
manifestations and not words describing the immaterial non-manifestations),
there is infinite void and we are dissolving in it.
We will continue the
discussion in a later chapter after some preliminary clarifications.
the “dm entity” volume
All “DM Entities” have the same amount of matter and energy, but they
differ due to “momentary” different
environments; they will have larger volumes in the environments with low
pressure, and small volumes in the environments with high pressure. This is
explained by the fact that low pressure allows long and scattered trajectories
and high pressure allows only short and agglomerated trajectories.
Since pressure is a “momentary factor” (in astronomy it means
seconds, centuries, or millennia and so on), the “DM Entities” volumes are different, also momentary and in between
specific limits.
We use the notion of “DME” volume only for understanding what
we are talking about; this parameter is functional only into the “sensorial reality” where the dimensions
are perceivable; into the “rational
reality” where its effects take place, the “DME” is in fact only a volume of “space matter”, a “localization
of concentric trajectories” completely unperceivable.
relationship between mass
and energy
Let’s resume the theory,
stating that at the high speeds (of what?) the energy would transform into
matter/mass (the current confusion).
We said in small volumes the
trajectories of the “DM Entities” are
shorter and agglomerated, but it doesn’t mean they transformed in matter (we
are not talking about mass, since we are still far from the perceivable
dimension); so the trajectories - scattered or agglomerated – are “their” traces, not “their” matter; thus, no matter how big a volume of a “DM Entity” is, its amounts of matter and
energy stay the same. In the “rope experiment” more rotations mean more ropes only for our slow senses; in the “material reality” there is only one
So, more trajectories mean
more illusion of matter, more ghost matter; for more matter to exist, more “DM Entities” are required. We will
discuss more on this issue in the chapter about the structures of the “DME”-s.
the vibrations of a “dme”
On their “trajectories” the “DM
Entities” bump into each other and since the collisions can be relatively
brutal they can cause temporary distortions; and since they collide
continuously, their collisions and recovering from deformations will cause
vibrations. Of course, the “DME”-s
with shorter and more frequent trajectories will collide more often; it means
the frequency of their vibrations will be higher. And since the “DM Entities” are the smallest things
into existence, the integral of their collisions will be the vibrations with
highest frequencies; usually we call them radiation.
We as investigators recognize
and analyze their existence through these frequencies, we evaluate them and the
ones from the light spectrum we call colors, the others will be thermic
radiation, Roentgen and so on.
So each “DME” has a “momentary
existence” in a “momentary
environment” and so according to the volume allowed by the environment, has
its “momentary vibration/frequency”;
this will be its “momentary identity”.
the time for the identity
of the “dme”
We understand from the “disk
experiment” that time means something lasting, not something immaterial which
idly flows from somewhere into somewhere else; that every thing into existence
creates its own time, so everything into existence has its own time. And since
the building of a “volume of concentric
trajectories” of a “DME” takes a
certain length of time, it means this is the necessary time for the identity of
the “DME” to appear; so this is the “Identity Time” of a “DME”.
Of course, as we already
mentioned, the environment being “momentary”,
also the volume/identity of a “DME”
will be “momentary”; so the time
needed to build it up will also be “momentary time”.
the “dme” process
Something important should be
emphasized now: the “DM Entity”
parameters depend on the “environmental
moments” they belong to. In other words, the “DME” is not an eternal fact, but an “eternal dynamic”. So the correct name for it would be the “DM Process”, but to simplify we will
keep on calling it “DME”.
“the perennial time of a dme”
When we talk about the
duration of a DME, we must
distinguish two periods, i.e. two times: the first one is the time needed for a
DME to create its specific identity;
the second time is the time needed for a DME
to preserve its identity. The first one is the “identity time” and the second one is a sequence of “identity times” we call “perennial time”. Since DME is eternal, its “perennial time” is also eternal.
the photon
From the Sun, large amounts of
matter and energy are thrust out; the matter is in the form of dust, cosmic
dust that we call solar wind, and
the energy is in the form of light, thermic and so on radiation.
We can deduct from what we
discussed above that cosmic dust is composed of the multitude of free “DM Entities” and the tiny structures
they formed, expanding radial along the vectors of the 46.656.000 degrees of
the sphere and also along the “infinity” of fractions between those vectors.
But we believe that light is a wave energy transmitted by a particle called
photon, which is not exactly a particle, since it has no matter. But since we
already figured that there is no energy separated by its material
correspondent, if we assume the photon transports light, then it necessarily is
also matter.
However, in this case would
contradict the observed manifestations: being material it cannot propagate like
radiation through the cosmic dust, but along with, together with the dust, i.e.
it cannot move with the speed of light, but with the speed of matter (slower
than the speed of light). And if the photon transports light, it would be
bright and the universe will be lightened up by these fireflies, which is
And another thing: if the
photon would be a particle, a body, moving with the speed of light, it should
penetrate the cosmic dust, remove it and so the photons would have to be
different: the ones from the stars should be “more tired” than the ones from
the desk lamp, the thousands of years road should somehow affect them.
All these show how impossible
the concept of photon is. But if we
assume that the material part of the “DM
Entities” is the cosmic dust and the effect of the collisions of their
trajectories is the light, we will have a very different perspective of the
phenomenon. And we will understand that the diversity of the radiations -
light, thermic, X, Roentgen and others - with different qualities and colors
are given by the frequency of the collisions of the trajectories.
So the Sun thrusts out large
amounts of matter and energy: the matter is the cosmic dust, the Solar Wind, and the energy is what
we call radiation e.g. light, heat and so on. The Solar Wind and the radiation form “The Solar Stream”.
The cosmic dust consisting of
material volumes expands, and so an entire environment moves eccentrically
under the pressure given by the continual solar flares. Of course the radiation
travels in the same direction, but not moving with it, but through it. So we
can say that the matter of the Solar
Wind is for the radiation like an avenue. And if every type of radiation
would have its “bearer” – like the photon for the light, the multitude of
radiation would look like a bright stream of “firefly photons”, ”burning
thermions” and others similar. But as we know, “the Solar Stream” is not bright or hot or else, since it doesn’t
contain photons, thermions, roentgens, but “DM
Entities” moving in order.
The radiation from the Sun
resulted from the violent collisions in the Sun (the
Solar matter or plasma is composed also from “DM Entities”, since they are the smallest things into existence)
propagates from “DME” to “DME” like the energy through the balls from
the physics textbook (A/N you remember the experiment
with the suspended and in contact steel balls - the first ball gets the impulse
and the last one reacts, since the energy of the collision propagates through
the sequence of balls without seemingly affecting the intermediary balls),
and manifests only when they actually reach the retina or the skin or other
Now let’s go back to the
audacious question from the subchapter “vacuum”: is there
an immaterial environment?
As we see the light of the Sun
and the stars, it means it reaches us. So there is a “material avenue” through
which it propagates. It is the “stellar
stream” itself, characteristic for all the stars. So the answer is: there
is no such thing like immaterial environment, cosmic void, because if it were
to exist, we would not be able to see the stars, the Sun, the Moon. So the
Universe is not like a big Swiss cheese with empty holes, the “holes” are
actually filled with “space matter”.
the movement of the “dm entities”
Now we understand that the
matter from “the Solar Stream” moves
in front with a certain speed given by the continuous pressure of the solar
flares. But the Sun also spins, so “the Solar
Stream” will spin too. So it will move in two ways: the expansion itself,
and a continuous eccentric rotation describing a material spiral. Of course the
travel speeds will be different: one we can calculate it by the length of time and the other by the
opening angle.
the propagation of the
For now, we are interested in
the path of the radiation and not the speed. Since the energy/radiation moves
through the matter of “the Solar Stream”
and this is rotating, undoubtedly this rotation has an influence on the
propagation of the radiation; it will bend the path of the radiation. So the
light from the Sun is not linear but curvilinear, we see it as a curve, almost
a spiral.
In these circumstances, of
course the propagation time is different, and so we can say that the
propagation speed of the light is relative; so the propagation velocity
measured by Michelson (Albert Abraham Michelson,
1852-1931, American physicist) between four hills it is different from
the speed of light between the Earth and the Moon measured by lasers, and also
different from the ones from the Sun and from the stars. The differences might
not be too big, maybe are even insignificant, but important for the phenomenon
and for the sake of accuracy.
We can also compare the way
the energy of the radiation propagates through the cosmic dust with the way the
electric current propagates through the atoms of the wires. So allow me to say
that just as the electric energy moves from the electric plus to the electric
minus through the matter of the wires, so the energy of the radiations moves
from the energetic Solar plus to the energetic interstellar minus/deficit
through the matter of “the Solar Stream”.
So along with the concept of Solar Wind,
we should accept the concept of a “Solar
the infinity
We talked about the Universe
and we explained that it is a body filled with “space matter” and “mass
matter”; let’s try to imagine how big it would be, to see how it actually
is and the concept of infinity.
It is said that “matter is
infinite in space and time”, i.e. the Universe would have and infinite amount
of matter in an “infinite amount of time”. The statement, however, is in
contradiction with itself: the statement “is” looks like “now, today”; so the
Universe “is” quantitative and temporal infinite; or this doesn’t make any
sense: is “yesterday’s infinity” different that “today’s infinity”?!
If we would say that the
Universe is a temporal material process
manifesting without stopping, that would be something different.
The word INFINITE cannot even
be used, since it cannot be simultaneously true grammatically and logically; it
cannot be subject since it doesn’t have predicate, and from the same reason it
cannot also be adjective. Therefore, the term is awkward, and to step out of
the “verbal vortex”, let’s say that the concept is an agreement by which we
mean the immeasurable.
But we can look at it this
way: remember that in school we were told that there is no largest number,
since however big may be, we can always add a unit and so it becomes even
bigger... and so on. Remember we talked about something similar when we were talking
about the smallest unit, now back to the biggest.
So there isn’t such thing as
the largest number and the arguments are valid, however the investigators which
handle quantities need precise definitions. It is true the conventional
mathematics operates with abstractions like irrational numbers, imaginary
numbers etc, but not in physics; here the numbers express accurate material
quantities; we use them to calculate the dynamics of real characteristics, not
imaginary ones; it means functionality, and not virtuality.
Different quantities mean
different names and there it is a
problem; there is no longer an issue of how many numbers can actually exist,
but how many names of numbers we can
memorize; this is the true dimension of the problem.
As they say, the human brain
would have billions of neurons; therefore, if we identify a neuron as a cell
memory, we would have several billions of memory locations, meaning we would
memorize billions of names. It is not exactly like this, but it doesn’t really
matter; the important thing is that no matter how many neurons our brain has,
it is still a limited number, so the last neuron would be occupied with the
last number. So we found the biggest number and at the same time the infinity edge.
They also say that the whole
Universe is into the human brain as a figure of speech, meaning “all is one and
one is all”. Beautifully told and I’m inclined to believe that it is true, if
by mind we understand some kind of library containing all the laws of the
Universe; not exactly like the books on the shelf, juxtaposed and superimposed.
It would be really interesting
if they were connected throughout their logical dynamics, starting from the
dynamics of a “DME” till the dynamics
of the Universal Organisms.
Finally, because of the habit
of it, we will keep using the word infinite instead of immeasurable, although
it is grammatically and logically incorrect.
structurings of a “dm entity”
the structuring of a “dm entity”
any material existence is a “DME” or
a composition of them; their “spatial
trajectories” create their volume, which is “space matter” if they are imperceptible, or “mass matter” if they are perceptible. Undoubtedly, they integrate
between them; the things into existence prove this, but why they integrate may
seem mysterious. If we consider that “DM
Entities” are like “balls of crammed
concentric trajectories” that keep spinning, we can imagine that similar
assemblies with compatible parameters can “weave”
their trajectories forming a bigger ball, a new structure.
are definitely crammed all together; this is certain, since they evolve into a
full Universe and they are constantly in contact. Then their “specific vibrations” make them compatible.
These “vibrations” can have harmonic
frequencies interfering as multiples or submultiples, as waveforms compatible for the “weaving” of
If we
make another imaginative effort, we could see the “gear trajectories” as elastic serrate wheels spinning among other
serrate wheels in an eternal rotation. Now let’s ask ourselves why would the
serrate wheels grate, since their teeth fit by height, pitch etc., why would
they not spin coupling together in a larger spatial aggregate? If they have
compatible frequencies and waveforms, and the continuous environment pressure
crams them together, why would they not interlock? From this point of view,
forming a new “gear” is not only
natural, but mandatory, and it is obvious since the environment is filled with
conclude, we can say that environmental pressure and “vibrations” with resonant frequencies require the “DM Entities” coupling in new structures.
my model may violate imagination and does not compare with the model offered by
atomic structure, even though as I mentioned above, this structure is more a
theoretical than a practical one.
get into more details further, but first of all we have to mention something
very important about the place and time we are in, as we do our analysis.
material and temporal middle of universe
As I said, the “DME” evolves under the environment treat
- the packed Universe - and dependant of this it will build its volume and
parameters in a continuous process.
requires a specification: “DME”-s are
each a “volume of concentric spatial
trajectories”, but if we look at them as processes, we can call them “material/temporal volumes”, their
trajectories are of course material, but also temporal, since they are in
continually changing.
And all
this happens in the Universe, which is the largest “material/temporal volume”. On the other hand we, as the
investigators, are also “temporal/material
volumes” living in the same Universe. The question is where and when is our
“process” integrated on the “temporal
material parabola” of the Universe.
cannot accurately respond to this question, but we can agree on something.
Since we cannot accurately know the exact moment of the beginning of the
Universe (if there is a beginning) and also when the Universe will end (if it
will end), let’s say that in this century, at this hour, at this very moment we
speak we are actually witnessing one of the infinite “moments” of the Universe. We call Orion, Solar System, Earth,
street, number and the place we are at the moment “matter”, since that is what it is: one of the infinite material
places. But since we don’t know where is our “temporal material parabola” on the “temporal material parabola” of the Universe, let’s agree that NOW
and HERE is “the temporal material middle
of the Universe”. All this is conventional, so we can have a general
reference point.
let’s talk about structures.
imperatives of structuring
As I
said, the environmental pressure, combined with compatible parameters of “DM Entities”, make them interlock like
the serrate wheels and thus structuring into a “volume of concentric trajectories”; let’s go back to this
phenomenon and try to explain it.
So we
are in “the material/temporal middle of
the Universe”, on a planet belonging to the Solar System and obviously
everything is continually changing; what was yesterday it is not today and it
will not be tomorrow, which only means that the “DM Entities” are continually “assembling”.
environment is full of all sorts of complex structures, so it means that the “DM Entities” with “resonant trajectories” are compelled to “aggregate/integrate” in more and more complex structures. Then we
can say the continuous “integration”
is a “material
imperative” manifesting right from the “DM Entities”. (A/N There is also the oxidation/burning phenomenon which
shows disintegration, the opposite of integration; but this is part of an
overall process we will discuss in the following paragraphs; for now, let’s
just say the complexity of the existing structures show that on Earth the
integration is predominant and the complementary disintegration takes place in
the Sun, in the stars. Indisputably the dominant characteristic of “terrestrial dynamics” is “integration” and it starts right from “DME”, the original place of the “complementary trajectories”.).
there is also another imperative.
the solar stream as an imperative for structuring
is a constant bombardment on the environment – the whole Earth - of energetic
material from “the Solar Stream”; at
some point it became excessive and destabilizing for the terrestrial
environmental harmony. “The Solar Stream”
is composed of free “DM Entities”
with “vibrations”, frequencies and
different shapes. The terrestrial environment also is composed of “DM Entities” with different shapes and
frequencies; the resonating entities from the Solar Stream and from the Earth
under the “material imperative”
coupled and formed new and more complex structures.
now, here there are two “imperatives”
that contribute to structuring: “the
material imperative for harmonic structuring” existing in every “DME” and the matter and energy of “the Solar Stream”; both have a role in
compelling the “DM Entities” to
combine their trajectories and create more complex structures.
“DME” is a “volume of concentric trajectories”; seen from outside perspective,
it would look like a sort of planetary system. Being so, whenever one or more “DM Entities” integrate in a new form,
the new structure cannot be a mere gathering of masses, energies, volumes and
others, as the “trajectories” do not
envelop one another, but they integrate with each other; as a result we cannot
asses these structures through known mathematical functions. But because it
results from an arrangement similar with a planetary one, we can call this
mathematical function “planeting”,
just as we say addition, subtraction and so on, this name being, in my opinion,
the most suggestive.
new structures/”gears” have a
planetary elaboration; they are denser or sparsely function of environment but
continually structuring. Thus “planeting”
as structuring – but also as a mathematical function - is a process, i.e. both
the structures and their parameters are dynamic.
the energy of the structures
So “planeting” would be the mathematical
function we use to calculate the parameters of the structures. Let’s start with
the energy parameter, since it is a special one, and let’s begin from the
structuring of two “DM Entities”. For
example, two “DM Entities” with
compatible resonating offers and evolving relatively close, under “the imperatives” will integrate in a new
“gear”. The needs of the existence
impose them to split the energy developed at the formation of the “gear” into two functions “SE” and “RE”, and to understand the distribution let’s use an example:
grams of uranium look like a piece of matter of few cubic centimetres, which is
nice and quiet until we add another 100 grams (thus reaching its critical mass)
and unleash a huge explosion, with a volume of several cubic kilometres. This
means that our peaceful piece of matter (following a series of internal
processes we won’t discuss here) expanded into a huge amount of matter and
energy we can’t even fathom.
actually happened? A huge amount of “DM
Entities” was once structured into a piece of uranium including also its
tremendous amount of energy. Seeing how peaceful this initial small piece was,
we can deduce that most of its energy was concentrated in “structural energy” which does not manifest outside; and as “relational energy” remained only enough
energy to give to the piece its form, colour and so on (the amount of radiation
is insignificant for our example).
example is perfect: we can understand “planeting”
as the transformation of “the space matter”
of a certain number of “DM Entities”
into “the mass matter” – the piece of
uranium; through explosion, “the mass
matter” of the uranium becomes again “the
space matter” of the “DM Entities”.
The fact that the “mass matter” of
uranium had few cc is explained by the fact that the set of trajectories
crammed/integrated, thus the whole structure decreased its volume.
We do
not know the ratio between these two energies, but if we think about the
differences between the peaceful state and the other, we see it can be
extremely high.
the uranium example, we draw some other conclusions too: “SE” or cohesion is the only form of energy storage. From the
simplest to the most complex, all structures are solar energy storage, energy
stored as “SE”. Water, rocks and
others are batteries, all energy stored as “SE”.
Now it is obvious that the energies of the structures cannot be added through a
simple arithmetic function. Even though their total cannot be higher or lesser
than of all “DM Entities” components,
the ratio showing the dynamic relationship between the two forms of energy is
the volume of the structures
the trajectories are coupling, the volumes of the structures cannot be a sum of
the volumes of the components; so through “planeting”
there is a lost on the volume, but a gain in density, i.e. the “space matter” becomes “mass matter” and thus moving from the “rational reality” to “the sensorial reality”, i.e. the world
of perceivable objects.
As we
see, “matter is not energy with higher
speed” (we overcome the confusion between mass and matter), we see that
energy doesn’t actually transform into mass, even if moving with square speed
of light.
the only matter that can move at the highest possible speed is the matter of “DME” and so “ITS” speed has nothing to do with the speed of light.
course the speed of the rope created the mass of the disk, but this experiment
was just a suggestion, its practical realization is impossible, since there
isn’t any rope to withstand this type of traction, there isn’t any force that
can rotate it with the necessary speed, and no environment in which to rotate
it without igniting.
As we
see, the structure of the matter is not a flat spin of a material particle, but
a network of trajectories integrated into a “spatial gear”. Maybe the deeper trajectories of the “gears” have a higher speed that the
peripheral ones, their trajectories are similar, but that doesn’t mean that
their energy has transformed into matter.
I do
not insist on this anymore, but we have to say that the intention to bring
harmony between “the rational reality”
and “the sensorial reality” without
the knowledge of what needs to be harmonized, led to many oddities such as “plastic
space” and “elastic time”, as if space and time were material concepts and not
conventional concepts.
conclude, the volumes are planetings of the trajectories of the components.
“the time of the identity” of the
structures – “identity time”
discussing the concept of “planeting”, we should take a closer look at the
duration needed to create a structure.
the volume of a structure isn’t the arithmetic sum of the volumes of its
components, neither is “the identity time”
the arithmetic sum of their “times”.
Because of the misconception we have about time, we are in for a big surprise.
“DM Entities” build their “gear trajectories” in specific intervals
of time, but they will do the same when integrated in larger structures, just
this time the trajectories will adjust to the other “DM Entities” trajectories. Therefore, the structural time of two or
more integrated “DM Entities” cannot
be higher, since their processes are simultaneous.
since the process of the structuring is simultaneous with the structuring of
its components, its “identity time”
will be the same.
conclusion, isn’t it?
course we can easily tend to think that “the
identity time” of a structure should be higher; since the volume is bigger,
we might assume the peripheral trajectories might be longer, and thus take more
time to travel.
not forget the trajectories integrate and there aren’t longer trajectories to
surround the whole structure. Every “DME”
bounds with the other just like a bee hangs on to another building the beehive,
each preserving its identity.
(A/N Now, taking into account all these, the chemical elements from the
Periodic Table of Mendeleyev should contain the frequency, waveform, number of
“DME”, in fact all the
characteristics of the corresponding “gear”.).
surprise is that the Earth, the Solar System and even the Universe are natural
structures, which means that “their
identity time” should be the same as the time of their constituent “DM Entities”.
so they are. We can also compare it with a clock: no matter how big a clock is,
“its identity time” is the second,
its mechanism must be functional in one second, to be a clock not just a simple
mechanism. So every second the whole gear – wheels, levers and rest – must do
the whole functional cycle in one second. Therefore the Earth, the Solar
System, the Universe are each build entirely as they are in one unit of
“the time of the perennity” of the structures - the perennity time
the above example, we see that clocks build every second their identity and so
for the next second and so on until they broke. “Its time is up” they say, or
should we say its “perennity” is up.
with every other structure: it builds its “identity”
in a specific unit of time and so on for the next unit of time and so on until
it breaks down and enters another structure.
the time it remains in the same identity structure will be “The Perennity Time”; this can be a
fraction of a second, two centuries, five millennia or even the eternity of the
it should be pointed out something: since the “DM Entities” are eternal things into existence, and so are “the imperatives” acting upon them; so
they will exist forever and will keep structuring in different form with
different qualities.
conclude, the duration of every quality represents “its Perennity Time”.
the vibrations of the structures
since the “DM Entities” smash into
environment sending specific vibrations, so will the structures do; they will
be vibratile structures. But because they are larger structures and keep on
getting larger through continuous assembling, their vibrations will get lower
and lower.
a structure made up of several “DM
Entities”, it will be a “gear with
coupled trajectories”, some deeper and some peripheral, with variable
shaped volume - due to rotating, swinging, in precession and so on. So the “trajectories” will collide with the
environment with a dominant fundamental frequency with maximum amplitude; the
set of the “peripheral trajectories”,
i.e. the set of the “lumps” randomly appeared, will also collide with the
environment and cause a set of harmonics.
the dominant fundamental frequency with the maximum amplitude is its “identity vibration”.
already mentioned that the vibrations of the “DM Entities” are within radiations range; the spectroscopy tells us
that all chemical elements of the Periodic Table have their frequencies within
this range. So this proves that the
structuring from the first step of stabilization are close in size and
frequency. (A/N Let’s not mistake the vibrations
of the structures with the vibrations of the objects composing those
structures; for example, a copper bell at impact emits a vibration, but that
vibration is not of the copper element, but the response of the smashed copper
quantity returning to the environment the energy received. The vibration of the
bell is influenced of course by the type of material composing the bell, but
this is something different; the bell vibrates according to its shape and
amount of material.)
structures come in every shape and every density; some are “matter/space” and some are “matter/mass”, but all of them emit
vibrations; for example, there are vibrations with specific parameters causing
sensations we name heat, light, smell, taste and sound.
all structures emit vibrations, i.e. have an “identity vibration” through which they manifest their existence
onto environment.
are also those we perceive, but we are not aware of them, so we don’t have
specific names for them, but they also are from the radiation range.
the propagation of the structure vibrations
As “DME” doesn’t leave its socket of
existence, so do the structures; only their vibrating energy is sent out; they
all retain their positions – into the “Solar/stellar
Stream” or in their specific environment - so they are not moving to reach
our senses, but their vibrations, their vibratile energy travels through
environment to stimulate our specific receptors.
So we
know them through their vibrations.
the identity time and the perennity time of the universe
talk a little about the Universe and its “identity
time”. According to the logic the Universe is the result of the integration
of all “DM Entities” and its
structures; it’s the structure with the largest volume so it will vibrate with
the lowest vibration above “0”.
we are integrated in it and part of its dynamics, we cannot perceive its
fundamental vibration, only some of these harmonics, like an undefined internal
buzz. We established that the Universe is a full body, an ordered structure
(cosmos), the “largest” structure (A/N I use quotes
for the reasons we discussed in the subchapter Infinite);
however, being a thing into existence like any other, the Universe should have
specific parameters like the others; only that being also the largest
structure, its parameters should be ... proportional; more suitable because the
situation is however different from the other structures, because the Universe
is not into an environment - it is the environment itself. So overall it is not
influenced by the material-energetic transfers from the “stellar streams” (which are part of it); the Universe preserves the
same amount of matter. Same amount but not same quality; compelled by “the structuring imperative”, the “DM Entities” keep on structuring and
re-structuring, so the Universe stays the same, but always changing.
the Universe is eternal, but always
“the material unstructuring imperative”
already said the Universe is an eternal process based on the temporal material
eternity of the “Entities” and the “structuring imperative”, but I somewhat
ignored the “stellar streams” and
their effects. Let’s try to understand now the eternal universal dynamic taking
them into account.
the “temporal/material middle” where
we are, we see the multitude of stars unstructuring and at the same time the
multitude of planets structuring. We cannot ignore the logical connection
between the “stellar waste”, the “planetary greed” and the role “the streams” play in this transfer. I
mean we cannot ignore the fact that the stars thrust out matter and the planets
accumulate matter through “streams”.
we conclude that the Universe is the embodiment of billions of star systems -
in fact billions of “stellar processes”
- under two imperatives: “the temporal
material imperative for harmonic structuring” acting on planets and a
counterbalancing one, “the unstructuring imperative” acting
on stars. So the stars and the planets are in a permanent transfer relationship
of matter and energy through their respective streams. Also, we already know
the matter and energy don’t disappear. We will deepen in another chapter the
consequences for this dynamic
the infinite
time is not something inconceivable anymore (something which runs from minus
infinite to plus infinite). It is the product of each material existence; the
matter and energy of “Entities” are
eternal, so “the perennity time” of
the Universe is eternity. Naturally the dimension of eternity, of the infinite
stretches out of the reach of our neural capacity, and there is no point in
talking about it; there is no point in asking whether there are out there “DME”-s in infinite number to create an
infinite space and an infinite time. But we can approach this subject from a
different perspective. I already said the Universe is a counterbalancing
process between the “structuring
imperative” and “unstructuring
imperative”. But the stellar systems seem to have different ages and this
means they were not born all at the same time and so they won’t be ending up
all at the same time either. This being the case, these matter and energy
transfers will keep occurring until all stars will become planets.
course the “stellar processes” will
not stop here; I’ll stop now because some premises/arguments about them should
be added; they are additions that I will make in a subsequent chapter.
structures with fragile stability
already talked about stable things into existence, like “DME”-s and their structures that we consider to be fixed elements
from the Periodic Table. The attributes of “DME”-s
and of structures depend on the environment and this is continually changing.
It means that the stability of the elements from the Periodic Table itself is
relative, i.e. with their vibrations between certain limits the resulting
structures are relatively stable. There are also structures more unstable and
not only because of the environment, but because some specific features; since
these structures are in large number and are very important for the existence
itself, we must take them into account.
take a little recap of what we have discussed so far to be better prepared to
understand these structures:
according to “vibratile”
parameters, the nature manifests to us - the receivers and investigators - in
three realities: first is the “Sensorial
Reality” we know through the senses; then the “Rational Reality” we not only intuit, but also know/evaluate using
logical thinking; and third, the “Material
Reality” also intuitive but at the same time knowable (A/N it can be known), as we improve our means of
investigation, and also our perceptual capacities and our awareness.
In the “Triple
Reality Theory”, the fundamental unit of existence is a “dynamic material entity”, “DME”, a “circum-centric spatial gear” of its own trajectories.
All things into existence are “DM Entities” and structures of “DM
Entities”; the perceivable ones we call “mass matter” and belong to “Sensorial
Reality”; the ones beyond our perception we call “space matter” and they are from the “Rational Reality”;
All things into existence are “spatial gears” colliding into the environment with their “trajectories” and causing their “”vibrational identity”; they are known to
as through their “vibrations”.
The vibrations differ in frequency, which is higher
that zero and all within radiation range. The vibrations also vary with the
waveform, which can have different graphics from horizontal and vertical
straights to any curve form.
The smallest things into existence are the “DM Entities” with their “vibrational identity” with the highest
The largest structure into existence is the Universe,
the all things into existence “gear”
integrating all existing “vibrations”;
it has its “vibrational identity”
with the lowest frequency.
All things into existence have a “structuring imperative”
compelling them into larger and larger “gears”,
thus transforming “space matter” into
“mass matter”.
No thing into existence – “spatial gear” - moves from its existing place; all are known
through their “vibrations” (even the
plasma from “the Solar Stream”).
much for now; let’s talk about some particular things into existence whose “vibrations” we perceive, but we are not
aware of them.
So we
are aware of the things into existence, we identify them by their contours,
colours, taste, smell, sound but also there are some beyond our awareness, and
we know them through intermediaries. There are many, but we’ll discuss
separately the ones called magnetic phenomena, electrical phenomena and
catalytic phenomena.
the magnetic phenomenon
all know about some metallic objects attracting or repelling each other, this
phenomenon called magnetism. It was agreed that these events happen due to
special molecules – magnetic molecules or magnetic
unit, and their attraction or repulsion force derive from some sort of
internal bipolar energy; all this according to classical physics, but from the
triple reality theory and the “DM
entities” point of view, things look very different.
see that the phenomenon manifests itself in the “rational reality” beyond the reach of our perception, but through
our reasoning we didn’t conclude that the energy of the “DME” is bipolar.
It is
possible that the “trajectories” of
two “DM Entities” – compatible for
structuring - take some relatively oriented forms suggesting polarity; but this
orientation is momentary, not permanent, and it manifests itself only inside of
the structure and not as an attraction, like a magnetic one.
ephemeral polarizations are possible, but for the magnetic phenomenon to
manifest, just the “structuring
imperative” is not enough.
force is needed, another “imperative”.
This force is the terrestrial/solar/universal magnetic field.
presence of the magnetic force of the terrestrial/solar/universal magnetic
field manifests itself into the structures; this means the vibrations of “DM Entities” are compatible with the “vibrations” of the energies we call
would be the difference between regular vibrations and magnetic vibrations?
Well, the frequency and the waveform of course, i.e. only the combination of
the two dynamics can determine their characteristics.
this case, “the trajectories of the
magnetic vibrations” – since they are also “vibrations”- have some specific particularities, maybe some sort of
“warp”; being so, what we call magnetic molecule is nothing else but a “gear” from several “DM Entities” with specific “trajectories”
facilitating the manifestation of the magnetic phenomenon.
analyse in more detail the “magnetic
vibration” from the specific example of the iron magnetic property.
know that there is no such thing like magnetic iron, so this phenomenon doesn’t
belong to the iron, it is only associated with it. So the “spatial gear” of the “clean” iron has no magnetism.
also know that the iron doesn’t become magnetized by altering its chemical
structure, i.e. adding or removing something from its structure. But it’s
enough to place it in a magnetic field for the “warp of its trajectories” to
appear and to temporarily transform it into a magnet. If we remove it from the
magnetic field after a while, its “warp” disappear and so its “magnetic vibration”; the iron becomes
neutral again; so we conclude that the “magnetic
vibration” is temporarily associated with the iron and its “trajectories” develop or are susceptible
to develop a specific “warp” only when placed into a magnetic field.
conclusion would be that materials with magnetic properties are materials with
“specific vibrations”, but being
close to the “magnetic vibrations”
they will interfere with them under the magnetic field action.
should also underline that the “magnetic
vibration” is very sensitive to the material activity (Brownian movement) like
thermic activity; this shows that there has to be some sort of compatibilities
between them, a “vibratile”
the common phenomenon of the Sun, Earth, Universe, huge generators of magnetic
field, is that they have also huge resources for thermic activity.
manifestations also show that the “material
activity” generating “the thermic
activity/vibration” also generates “the
magnetic activity/vibration” in the compatible materials, “vibrations” with specific parameters,
but with frequencies in the radiation range.
the electrical phenomenon
cannot dissociate the magnetic phenomenon from the thermic phenomenon, but also
from the one we call electricity (its name comes from the name of the electron,
a particle of the atom – supposedly - responsible for its existence); as the “magnetic vibration” and the “thermic vibration” are caused by the “material activity”, also the “electrical vibration” is produced the
same way, so we can place it as part of the general dynamics of vibrations. “The electric vibration”/electric current
is artificially created through chemical sources or dynamic using alternators,
but there is also a natural electric current generated by Earth.
As I
said before, the only ones carrying energy are the “DM Entities”, so the thermic, magnetic and electric phenomena are
energetic manifestations generated by their own structures; also being “vibratile energies”, they propagate
through structures just like any other radiation. Therefore, just as there is
no photon to transport the light, there aren’t any “therm-ons” for heat or
“magnet-ons” for magnetism and finally electrons for electricity.
for an easier understanding of the magnetic and electric phenomena, let’s
analyze another phenomenon.
same phenomena in the Solar System happen on a different scale in a galvanizing
tank. In short, galvanizing is an electrical/physical/chemical process in which
a metal like copper, for example, is deposited on another metal, like iron for
example. The procedure goes like this: in a vessel containing a solution of
sulphuric acid - called electrolyte - a piece of copper and a piece of iron are
sunk together, both connected to a power source of direct current; the copper
is connected to the positive electric pole – anode - and the iron is connected
to the negative electric pole – cathode. The phenomenon which interests us
appears when we close the electric circuit, the copper anode begin to disappear
and gradually reappears on the iron cathode, in the exact same amount.
Obviously the copper deposited on the cathode is the one from anode, but for it
to move, there are 2 necessary conditions, hence the resemblance to the Solar
the case of the electrolytic tank, there is a pole with excess of copper and
another one in wanting of it; in the case of the Solar System there is a ”pole”
with excess matter, the Sun, and another one in wanting of it, the planets.
There is also the electric current – for the tank - and the “Solar Stream” for the Solar System.
is also another thing - we discussed it above, but now we have the proof - for
the “galvanic current” to flow, both
anode and cathode must be submerged in the same electrolyte, good conductor of
electricity. Same way the Solar System has to have an “electrolyte” containing
the Sun and the planets, good conductor for the “Solar Stream”. The proof I was talking about is that the Sun and
the planets are all in the same “electrolyte”, same “space matter” good conductor of “solar stream”; so there is any interplanetary vacuum.
there is this similarity: the Solar “mass
matter” – the anode, unstructuring in “space
matter” – the electrolyte, “The Solar
Stream” – the galvanic current, transporting the matter and energy – the
copper, to the planets – the cathode, where is restored in “mass matter”.
also see it in the way both currents, The Solar Stream and the electrical
current, are generated; both are the result of the unstructuring of the “mass matter” in chemical sources and the
unstructuring of the “mass matter” in
the Sun, i.e. the transformation of “structural
energy” into “relational energy”.
these similarities is a big step for the understanding of the universe.
the electromagnetism
electromagnetic phenomenon is also generated by “the imperative for harmonic
structuring” and “the Solar Stream
Imperative”; it is not due to the natural “material activity” – like the terrestrial magnetic field producing
magnetism, but to an artificial one caused by the electric current, itself an
artificial product. Of course the natural magnetic field – terrestrial, Solar,
universal – is involved, being everywhere and anytime, but the force of the
electric current is preponderant. Thus the “electromagnetism” is an artificial
is also natural electromagnetism, produced by natural electric current
(mentioned above), but we will get into details when we talk about Earth; now
let’s talk about particular manifestation of energy.
capacitors and electrets
As I
mentioned above, the only artificial way to store/deposit energy is to transfer
it from “RE” - “where it dissipates”
– into “SE” where it is preserved,
i.e. to concentrate “the trajectories”
in more complex structures – see the manifestation of uranium.
is another way to store energy also through the “cramming” of “trajectories” into structures, but much
simpler than the enrichment of the uranium - since they are build through
simpler methods: the capacitors and electrets.
talk first about the electrets; their production will help us to better
understand the process of storing the energy into capacitors. So the electrets
are dielectric materials (electrically non conductive); they are melt and
placed into a strong electric field until cooling and solidifying. After
solidification, the dielectric mass remains polarized as it was in the
generating field: the part polarized with plus keeps the positive polarization,
and the part polarized with minus keeps the negative polarization. If we put
them in contact through a wire/conductor - an electric current will flow
through them. This is the evidence that the energy was stored in the electret
/dielectric, i.e. the dynamic “RE”
was stored as “static” “SE”.
process is identical for the electric capacitors, the difference is that they
being permanently in electric circuit the loading/storing and the unloading/
power draining of the dielectric are in rapid succession. (A/N As we notice, the name capacitor is not really
suitable, it acts more like a storing element; we should avoid confusion with
condensation, which is a different process).
energy storing elements
course, in addition to capacitors and electrets, also the magnets are storing
energy like the enriched uranium. So there are countless possibilities of
energy storing, which only prove that the real energy deposit is “SE”.
the catalytic phenomenon
talk now about a mysterious phenomenon called catalytic, also characteristic
for the “unsaturated structures”.
that some chemical reactions cannot take place without the presence of a
witness, called catalyst; this element, present in the solution, may
participate in multiple chemical transformations, but it is not consumed by the
reaction itself. Remarkable is that catalysts are those substances usually very
stable, like metals for example.
question is: what is its particular feature; how the “trajectories” of the catalysts look like, more accurate, how come
they can influence the “gears” of
another structures without “clinging” on them? It means their trajectories
participate in the respective structuring and somehow once the new structure is
done, they are able to maintain intact without “wrinkles” their own structure?
to believe; but if we imagine both the catalyst and the catalyzed substances as
not perfect stable structures - as we consider, with a finer instability
manifesting only in certain circumstances, like catalytic structuring, it also
means their trajectories present some peculiarities. Anyway, it seems that the
trajectories of the catalyzed structure also keep some of those peculiarities
and so manifest some instability. So, in appropriate circumstances, between
catalysts and catalysed substances manifests a fine complementarism.
important thing is that it reveals a very important phenomenon: some apparently
stable structures are not in perfect structural balance, they are not perfectly
satisfied, i.e. their “gears” present
fine availabilities for association/ hooking; this type of structures are the “unsaturated structures”.
unsaturated structures.
structures are “spatial gears”
harmonically assembled, so we could call them also “harmonic structures”. But seeing the magnetic phenomena, the
electric and especially catalytic phenomena, we can deduct there are structures
presenting availabilities for structuring - in minus or plus; we could call
these structures “unsaturated”,
because their “gears” are not
perfectly satisfied. Since absolutely all structures are “vibrations”, the differences between them must necessarily be of
frequency and form of trajectories, apropos of the “warp” we discussed about.
take the iron example: as I said, there is no such thing like magnetic iron,
which means that the “spatial gear”
of the “clean” iron does not manifest a magnetic phenomenon. It cannot be
chemically induced, since there isn’t a “magnetic substance” that mixed with
the iron will produce magnetic iron. But placed into a “magnetic current”, the “DM
Entities” structured as iron are oriented with the magnetic field and the
iron becomes magnet.
happens with the catalytic phenomenon; there is not a “catalytic substance”
which mixed with a given structure transforms it in a catalyzed one; but there
are structures with their trajectories presenting some particularities that
resonate with those of the catalysers, thus helping to the structuring.
doubt, there are no mysteries: all these phenomena, electric, magnetic,
catalytic, and others are just “vibrations”,
like any other.
differ by frequency, of course, but they manifest particular characteristics,
which I believe are caused by these “warps” of their trajectories.
come they acquired this particularity? Since there is infinity of “DM Entities” and consequently an
infinite diversity of the environment, it’s only natural to have all possible
particularities in it. Therefore, although the “imperative for structuring” demands harmonic structuring, because
of various environmental conditions there is possible for relatively unstable “gears” to form; I call them “Unsaturated Structures”.
is no contradiction: “the harmonic
imperative for structuring” demands harmonic structuring but – as early
investigators concluded, all the states are actually processes that can take up
to a Pico fraction of time or a second, a minute, a year, a millennium.... So
the STRUCTURING LAW is implacable, but being also a process, it manifests in
different forms as the moments differ. Thus, all the processes we call iron,
copper, magnetism, unsaturating, electricity and so on, are actually certain
moments observed as they unfold. Some are maybe stable, but there are maybe
some who at this point are only in a certain stage of this unfolding process
called their “temporal, material”
will stop here, because if I go further I will step too far into the realm of
assumptions and our knowledge so far is too limited. Still a question remains:
are there many “unsaturated structures”?
Well, if we think at the infinite movement of the Universe caused by its
permanent re-arranging, we can conclude that the number of the “unsaturated structures” is higher than
of the fix structures. After all, they are the most dynamic structures or,
better said, they are permanently dynamic structures.
the “unsaturated phenomenon” exists,
as the above phenomena prove it, and must be taken into account as part of the
Universe process.
separate notes
- About
the “plastic/elastic space” we talked in the example of “the disk experiment”;
it showed that the rotation of the rope does not create matter, but the
impression of matter, impression we call mass,
but that doesn’t mean that in the experiment the mass of the rope is
plastic/elastic and has the ability to stretch and become a disk;
- Same
with time; the time also is not plastic/elastic, and for a better understanding
let’s imagine the following experiment: we are on the ground with a watch
emitting a sound signal at every second; we have another watch in a rocket
which can travel almost with the speed of light and is emitting its sound
signal through a radio. So when the rocket starts, we can hear both signals at
the same time, one from the ground and the other through radio; but the next
second we hear only the signal from the present watch, since the watch from the
rocket is now almost 300000 km away and we will hear its signal almost a second
late, since the sound need to travel back to where we are, meaning 2 seconds.
And so it will happen with the next seconds, the third second of the watch in
the rocket we will hear it after 6 seconds, since the vehicle is now at 600000 km
away and also has to travel back.
The above confusion might create the illusion that time expands or
contracts, but this cannot be true. So the time for a moving vehicle with the
speed of light it is not longer or shorter but the duration of the processes of
its mechanisms.
- Among
specialists, there is a joke more in jest or in earnest, as a question: is it
heavier a windup clock or a not windup clock, since the windup clock contains
more energy? “Across the frontiers”- by Werner Heisenberg, Political Publishing,
1977, Bucharest .
Now we understood; the energy is not matter, but a manifestation of it,
so it cannot be weight, but the matter that holds it. In this case however,
more in jest or in earnest, we can say that by tensing the clock spring the
used energy is equal with the resulting energy from freeing the clock spring;
there is no difference between them.
A/N Since the
publishing houses require the exclusivity of the works, I upload on this blog
only an excerpt from the book: for the entire book please just send me an email
the process universe: structuring -
- transformation
of “mass/matter” into “space/matter”
- transformation of “space/matter”
into “mass/matter”
- movement and pressure of the “solar
- movement of the solar wind
- propagation of the “solar current”
- the red shift
- crossing areas of the stellar
- “material chaos zones”
- “isolation zones”
- “zones of structuring”
- formation of planets
- gravity
[...] Well, we already know a similar phenomenon we call
gravitational attraction, considered a sort of wave of attraction between
masses. But now, when we know the mass is just a level of perception and
nothing more, and also that the matter does not emit such waves, therefore the
gravitational attraction cannot be the result of attraction between masses; so
we understand that the gravitational attraction is the combined effect of the “stellar/Solar streams” dynamics and the
“planetary sips”. The conclusion is
important: it means that the Gravitational Attraction is present all over the
Universe and there is no such thing like absolute imponderability; that which
we consider to be imponderability is only a result of gravitational currents
and anti-currents cancelling each other. Hence, as the maritime and atmospheric
currents, the gravitational currents move like any other fluid.
So the
gravity phenomenon described as a result between the “streams” and “planetary sips”
can be relatively easy verified and proved: weighting of the same object in
the middle of a reflecting ocean – like for example the Jarvis Island (USA) in
the Pacific Ocean right on the Equator, and then in the Amazon Forest at the
same altitude, same moment of the day and same tidal moment, it will show a
weight difference; fine equipment will show that the same object will weight
more in the jungle than in the middle of the ocean, thus proving the effect of
the Sun on the gravity and also the confusion between mass and weight. [...].
- weight
- solar/stellar gravity
- moon
- volcanoes, earthquakes
- rotation of planets and the continental
- formation of stellar systems
terrestrial energy
- lithospere
- atmosphere
- hydrosphere
- biosphere
- centrosphere
earth, matter and energy processing
- earth - consumer and processor
- human being
- “the civilization process”
- vulnerable terra
- what to do